Should we live here?

Graeme at Eerde school entrance

In November, Graeme and I had the chance to visit a school out in the middle of nowhere, aka Ommen, Netherlands to tour the campus and interview for a position of house parents. Since we were committed to staying in Amsterdam through February, we agreed to follow up again in the new year. Last week, we traveled the 2hr bike-train-train-bus ride out there to meet more of the staff and discuss possible opportunities. I thought you’d like to see this little piece of Dutch countryside.

Eerde International School

impressive driveway

panoramic view of school & boarding houses

panoramic view of school & boarding houses

The main castle (center) dates back to 1715! They are in the process of returning the first floor to a historic museum of sorts. The school offices will all be moved upstairs where many of the school rooms are. It’s a shame we couldn’t take many photos of the inside, but imagine tapestry-covered walls, aged wood furniture, large scale paintings, soaring ceilings, a grand staircase and a less than modern water closet (toilet room).

This is the house that they propose Graeme & I live while we’re on our ‘off’ weeks of staying in the boarding house’s East Wing–they have a week-on, week-off schedule. We don’t really know what our schedule would be like (they are still figuring out where and how they could use us, but they seem really eager to use us.) So this big ol house in the middle of the woods right by the school could be our new home. Crazy!

White House

The White House, close up

The White House, close up

Iron Gates

Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

Everything is still up in the air. We should hear back from this this week. I (Graeme) may start working there this week as a tutor (one or two days a week) and then Amanda and I may move there in March if the job is really good and we don’t have work in the city to keep us here.  And there are a bunch of unknowns. But the experience seems like an amazing one. And chances are we’ll never get an opportunity to live in a castle ever again 🙂

Let us know what you think!

17 thoughts on “Should we live here?

  1. Hey guys if nothing else comes through and they offer you this opportunity go ahead and take it, it looks absolutely gorgeous there, and who knows where this opporunity may than lead you to next!

  2. I attended Eerde in the early 70s. Some of my fondest memories are of those years spent as a student at Eerde. It is intimate, charming, historical, adventurous, grand, etc.
    Walk the dirt circle road surrounding the property. It is so beautiful. The nice things about Eerde are their small classes, friendly people and the amazing estate.
    Eerde is magical and friendships you develop there will bond for life.
    Don’t worry about being away from Amsterdam, Zwolle is very close by and should satisfy your big city needs. Near-by Ommen is quite charming as well.
    Good luck!
    PS. I use Google Alerts with “Eerde” search (this is how I came upon your link).

    • Chris! Thanks so much. That’s so cool that you just found us like this. We appreciate your input. From our brief time visiting the campus we love how beautiful it is 🙂

  3. Difficult!!
    I think it’s a good oppurtunity for the job and housing situation, but it’s far from a city!And the people are different than city people!So think well about it!;-)

  4. live in the castle! the most spiritual days of my life were spent in a castle in the middle of nowhere … walking, drinking tea, reading, praying, more walking … i’m pretty sure you’d both absolutely love it.


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